Sunrise farm is a livestock farm established in 1987.
Well known and run by owner Mr Abdul Aziz Karbary.
We provide a strict halaal slaughter of sheep, goats and cows for religious and cultural needs.
Religious sacrifices
What is Qurbaan?
Qurbaan is only performed over the 3days during the Eid-Ul-Adha i.e. During the Hajj period. It symbolizes solidarity with those performing Hajj and this sacrifice or Sheep-goat or cow is requested to those who can afford to do so.
What is Akeeka?
Sacrifice of sheep goat or cow as offering of thanks to Allah for his gift of a child into your respected family and well wishing and protection. The meat is used for sharing together with your family and friends and for the poor.
What is Zakaah?
Zakaah is a form of tax or charity to the poor and needy. During early years many Muslims would perform sacrifice of sheep and goats as means of feeding the poor.
What is Sadakah?
Sacrifice of sheep goat or cow as offering of thanks to Allah, all the meat should be given to the poor as blessings. It can be performed during times of distress or needs such as rain/good health and any other needs from Almighty Allah.